Sunday, December 25, 2011

Merry Christmas!

Will the man who invented the Air Swimmers product line please stand up and take a bow - you designed what may well be the coolest present Handsome will ever get! There is a shark swimming about the house now. You'll have to go to the link above and see the product video to believe it. And it's not like a lot of the product videos out there that make the product look terrific and then you get the thing home and find out they were lying through their teeth. Oh no, this video is as true to life as it comes. That thing looks just as cool as cool can be, and it's a blast to play with.
But there is a flip-side.
Will the man who invented the phrase "Some Assembly Required" also stand up please - You invented a phrase that has become, to some people, a horror story in itself, and if I ever catch you I owe you one swift kick. Right between the legs. Hard.

Merry Christmas!

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